Code Arlequin / C++ implementation
Pre-requisites and installation


This code implementation use the following third party libraries: (the numbers indicate the oldest version for which they were tested)

  1. Boost (version 1.60.0)
  2. CGAL (version 4.7)
  3. PETSc (version 3.6.2)
  4. libMesh (version 1.1.0, installed with TetGen support for now)

The following compiler combinations were tested:

  1. OS X / macOS : Clang (version 7.0.0) and OpenMPI (version 1.10.0)
  2. Linux : Intel C++ compilers (version 16.0.3) and Intel MPI (version 5.1.2)

This code was not tested or compiled with other operational systems.


The installation is done using CMake (version 3.4.2), and the following commands:

cd [CArl root directory]/Cpp/bin
cmake ..

This will compile the CArl software using the default system compilers and with the same flags used for the libMesh, plus the Release optimization flags (-O3 -DNDEBUG). If you want to change these, use the appropriate CMake options or an interface such as ccmake or cmake-gui.

The CMake script will search for the Boost and CGAL libraries at the default include paths. For the libMesh installation, it will search for a LIBMESH_DIR environement variable. If the environement variable is not found, it will set it as /usr/local. In both cases, the script will search the libmesh-config binary at the $LIBMESH_DIR/bin directory.

After finishing the compilation process, a series of executables named CArl_*** and libmesh_*** will be added to the [CArl root directory]/Cpp/bin folder. The former are the core binaries of the C++ implementation, while the latter are used as an example based on libMesh's solvers.