Code Arlequin / C++ implementation

The MATLAB implementation of the CArl software can be found at the directory MATLAB. Currently, the software to which it is interfaced includes :

  1. a 1D/2D FEM acoustic code,
  2. a Timoschenko beam code,
  3. an elastic code, and
  4. Comsol (


Before using the software, you should make sure that you update the matlab path with the appropriate directories. In matlab, run `>> addpath( genpath('install_dir_CArl/')); where you replaceinstall_dir_CArlby the full path to the directoryCArl/`

Additionally, you might want to write this line in the startup file (generally located in ~/matlab/startup.m)

This code has not been extensively tested, but should run on Matlab versions R2013a and newer (mainly because the objects triangulation and delaunayTriangulation are required)

To use the option FE2D (optional), one should install and make available in the path the functions downloadable at (by Talal Rahman and Jan Valdman)

To use the option beam (optional), one should install and make available in the path the functions downloadable at (by Manuel Diaz and A Ferreira)

To use the option Comsol (optional), one should install and make available in the path COMSOL Multiphysics (see


The main calling routine is CArl.m

Some examples (in 1D and 2D) can be launched through use of the routine Test.m (see the corresponding help). The tests should run without any problem on computers with around 2Go.