bool bUseRigidBodyModes
[RB] Use the rigid body modes for the micro system?
double CG_coupled_div
[CG] Residual divergence.
void get_input_params(GetPot &field_parser, feti_iterate_params &input_params)
Parser function for the coupled solver test programs.
ClusterSchedulerType scheduler
Cluster scheduler software type. Values: PBS, SLURM (code not implemented for the later yet)...
std::string ext_solver_BIG_input
Path to a file containing the input parameters of the external solve for system A.
std::string scratch_folder_path
Path to the folder which will be used to save the temporary files during the solve operation...
std::string script_filename
Path to the file used to generate the scripts.
ExtSolverType ext_solver_BIG_type
Type of solver used for the external system A.
std::string ext_solver_micro_input
Path to a file containing the input parameters of the external solve for system B.
carl::BaseCGPrecondType CG_precond_type
[CG] Type of preconditionner.
std::string coupling_folder_path
Path to the folder containing the coupling matrices.
std::string RB_vectors_base
[RB] Common path base for the micro system's rigid body mode vectors.
double CG_coupled_conv_abs
[CG] Absolute residual convergence.
Structure containing the parameters for the setup initialization of the FETI solver.
int nb_of_rb_vectors
[RB] Number of RB mode vectors.
int CG_coupled_conv_max
[CG] Maximum number of iterations.
std::string ext_solver_micro
Command used for the external solver for system B.
double CG_coupled_conv_rel
[CG] Relative residual convergence.
std::string force_micro_path
[RB] Path to the vector containing the external forces for the system B.
std::string ext_solver_BIG
Command used for the external solver for system A.
ExtSolverType ext_solver_micro_type
Type of solver used for the external system B.
double CG_coupled_conv_corr
[CG] Relative rigid body mode convergence.
std::string output_folder
Path to the coupled solution folder.